Acrylic paintings on canvas 65 x 65 cm.
The mountain motive always is a strong symbol for the climax change.
I used to paint the `Matterhorn`already in 1988 at school, in about impressionism.
The symbols and typeface here were taken from original adverstising prints.
The number of only active volcanoes all over the planet is huge, few of them are active over years, erruptive and full of dust, every single day spreading in the air.
The backgrounds color changes within the area where he is, our mountain, with a fire hole.
It makes me happy to show this with a snow mountain from the middle of europe.
It shows the 2 views about ice and fire and mountains, the erruption is in the picture, with a quiet smile. It is about the worlds real nature, how powerful it can be and how nice it is in the same way.
Only the most tall height can give us a minimal aspect about how big the erruption might be. But in another way there are different types of volcanoes, some are under the water some are mountain others are fields. There is a close connection about the worlds first days and the earth we live and sit on every day, via volcanoes. But the most volcanoes arent nice enough to show in a picture, even they are full of water or half broken or have been exploded ones. Rotten earth, dark grounds, big holes and full of broken stones is not what i was going to show. I wanted to make the melting glaciers and the firing volcanoes as a mountain as a statement, which is ready and nice but bringing up lots of thoughts about this complex nature phenomenon heat and cold.
(T. Staudt)